Health Hero USA



Frequently Asked Questions


Who Should Get Vaccinated?

In general, anyone who wants to reduce their chances of getting the flu. However, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends certain people should get vaccinated each year.

Children ages 4 and up
Pregnant women
People 50+ years of age
Anyone with certain chronic medical conditions
People living in nursing homes or other long term care facilities
People who live with or care for those at high risk for complications from flu
Caregivers of children less than 6 months of age
Healthcare workers


Who can participate?

We immunize every willing & eligible child regardless of having insurance coverage. Your participation in this program helps us to cover the cost of immunizing uninsured children thus keeping your overall community healthier by raising the overall rates of vaccination.


If my child does not have insurance can they still receive the flu vaccine?

Yes, we will immunize while we have inventory of the vaccine provided by your state for the underinsured or non-insured students.


How do I register my child for the School Immunization?

Students will be provided with a parental consent form. No child will be immunized without a completed form on file. If your child takes part in this no cost program the parent or guardian is required to accurately complete, sign and date the Parent Consent form.


When are the clinics scheduled?

Clinics are scheduled Sept – Dec ( influenza ) and Feb – June ( Tdap, Meningococcal & HPV ) in collaboration with school leaders. Returning schools districts are prioritized over new participating school districts. Once schedules are set the calendar on our website is updated. You should always verify dates with your school in case of last minute change requests.


How can my school take advantage of this service?

We encourage interested parents to connect with your school leaders and discuss this life saving program. Our vaccine preorders are placed in the Spring to cover current school programs and additional quantities for estimated new school partnerships therefore we only take on a limited amount of new school systems per year.


Who is in charge and running the School Immunization?

Every school clinic will have a Health Hero registered nurse on site at all times.


Will I receive documentation of what vaccine my child receives?

Each child will receive a form with the vaccine given and the date of administration. If you misplace your Proof of Immunization form you can always request a copy using the link on the home page of our website.


Do I need to be at school when my child is vaccinated?

No, only parental consent forms need to be turned in. You are welcome to attend the clinic however we ask that you discuss with your school first.


Where can I find out more information about the vaccinations?

You can go to and search for “Vaccine Information Sheets” or Click the Vaccine Information Sheets ( VIS ) icons on bottom of the For Parents page.


What if my child refuses to be immunized?

Health Hero will not restrain a student in order to administer a vaccine.


Is the vaccine effective?

Each year the vaccine is manufactured based upon the strains which are prevalent. Influenza often adapts throughout the year. The more it adapts, the less effective vaccines are however while it may not always stop you from getting the flu it has been documented to lessen the impact and severity of your flu.


Does my child really need the flu vaccine?

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu (influenza) vaccine for all children. The flu vaccine offers protection from seasonal flu and H1N1 flu (swine flu).


Who are the Medical Professionals for the Health Hero program?

Our program is overseen by Board Certified Physicians who are licensed in the states we service. They have many years of experience in Family Medicine or Pediatrics. Immunizations are administered by licensed local nurses.


How does billing work?

We file with the insurance companies. If your student is covered under public or private medical insurance then that Insurance company must participate for your student to be eligible for this program. All we need is your accurate completion of the required information on the Parent Consent Form.